Gateway Pastor Search Update - August 22, 2024

Pastor Search Update

Dear Gateway Family,

We would like to update you and ask for your prayers regarding Gateway's search for a Senior Associate Pastor. You might remember that this position is also being proposed as a part of the succession plan for Pastor Randy Hageman when he retires.

In March of 2023 our Church Council (listed below) selected a Search Team to identify qualified candidates. The goal was and is to prayerfully and intentionally seek the person God has selected to be the next Senior Pastor of our church. The Council began discussions with our denominational leaders in the Global Methodist Church (GMC). The GMC’s role in succession is to help vet and identify candidates that meet GMC professional, educational, and theological standards. This Search Team (listed below) compiled the materials and job description necessary to conduct a thorough search.

In communication to our church family last September, we indicated that after conducting its search, the team would recommend one or more candidates to the Church Council. The council would then interview the recommended candidate(s) before choosing a single candidate. In line with our church's bylaws and the denominational practices of the GMC, the Church Council would have the final vote to select the person who would ultimately be appointed by a GMC bishop to Gateway.

We also explained that upon bringing the new Pastor onboard, there would be an undefined transition period lasting a year or more to allow the Church Council, through firsthand experience and feedback, to discern if the person filling the Senior Associate position was the person they believed God had called to be our next Senior Pastor.
The news to report is that the Search Team has narrowed down their list to a single candidate, which they have unanimously recommended to the council.
Over the past week the council has prayed and completed a comprehensive review of this candidate’s credentials. Earlier this week the council formally interviewed the candidate, and made the unanimous decision to recommend them, as our sole candidate for Senior Associate Pastor. We are now entering a time of prayer and reflection over the next two weeks to seek and listen to God. Your Church Council has set a meeting for September 4 for a vote to determine if this is the person God has led to us.
We are asking you to please join us in praying over these next two weeks. Our prayer is not that this is the person we like best or who is most qualified, though those are important, but that this is the person God has chosen to be the Senior Associate Pastor at Gateway, and eventually, our next Senior Pastor.

We - Council Chair Bob Griffith and Senior Pastor Randy Hageman - are asking you to join our Church Council, staff and Search Team in praying these next two weeks. We put it this way last September, Please join us reading 1 Timothy 3:2-7; Titus 1:6-9; and 1 Peter 5:1-4 and praying that the Lord provides a person with these characteristics and abilities. We pray that we will recognize the right people, time and transitions as they are presented by God. Please pray with us to discern if we are now rightly perceiving God's will and leading in this search effort.
The selected candidate has been a pastor for over 15 years, having served as senior pastor at four churches in East Texas, and in Katy. He was born in the Houston area, went to Texas Tech University for his undergraduate degree, and worked on his master’s degree at Gordon-Conwell Seminary before finally receiving his degree at Perkins School of Theology at SMU in Dallas. He began in the United Methodist Church, but like many pastors across the country, including Pastors Randy and Susan Hageman, he chose to join the Global Methodist Church when it formed two years ago as a traditional, orthodox Wesleyan-Christian denomination. He is married with three daughters, who are in the eighth, fifth and second grades. 

Grace and Peace,

Bob Griffith
Church Council Chair
Randy Hageman
Senior Pastor

Frequently Asked Questions

Church Council Members:
Donna Attoe
Wayne Buhrer
Kelly Ferree
Gina Garcia
Bob Griffith (Council Chair)
Sara Henson
Jenny Nishino
Roger Oldigs
Chris Wiggs 
Search Team members:
Julian Camarata
Carla Cuney
Kelly Ferree
Karen Higginbotham (Co-leader)
Asshur Montoute
Steve Richerson (Co-leader) 



