Christmas Eve Serving Opportunities

Thank you for using your time & talents to serve your church family!

Teams are listed in the order of greatest need!

Your team leader will reach out with details.


Nursery Team 

Help in the Coffee Shop, serving hot chocolate, making coffee, restocking cookies, or tidying up for our guests. HELP NEEDED IN THIS AREA.
This position is open to adults or students. We'll make sure you have a current background check on file.

Parking Team

Assist in keeping traffic moving and the parking lot safe.

Home-baked Cookies

Bring 3 dozen of your best Christmas Cookies to share with our guests. 

Gateway Hosts

Greet, Welcome & Assist our guests at doors, in the lobby or in the Auditorium. Pass out candles, a handout and help pick up after service. THIS NEED HAS BEEN MET AT 3 PM & 5 PM.