Clear Creek ISD

Donations will be given out by counselors at Landolt Elementary and Clear Lake High School to provide for families in need of assistance.

Gateway partners with with Clear Creek Independent School District through the Interfaith Collaborative, providing  support for children in our local schools. Through the CCISD Interfaith Collaborative, leaders of local faith-based entities, as well as secular non-profit organizations support student success and work collaboratively to help meet the needs of children. 

Hope Village

Donations help underwrite the cost of the Christmas party provided annually by Gateway's 5th & 6th graders at Hope Village in Friendswood.

Hope Village is a loving, safe and supportive community where individuals with intellectual and developmental challenges can live, learn and work with purpose and dignity.

Kidz Harbor

Donations selected from the Amazon Wish List are sent directly to the children at this local emergency shelter & foster group home for CPS.

Kidz Harbor was founded in March, 2003 by the late Rev. Jim H. Green. His mission was to help the abused and abandoned children of Texas. Kidz Harbor offers medical, physical, educational, and psychological assistance to every child who enters its doors.  It provides recreational activities such as skating, bowling, swimming, basketball and fishing for its children.

Since its opening, Kidz Harbor has achieved its original foundation goal by successfully servicing hundreds of children. Kidz Harbor continues to be a lighthouse for children and a memorial to the vision of the late Rev. Jim H. Green.

Starfish Kenya

Donate to this Gateway partnership or visit the Starfish Kenya booth in the lobby to learn other ways to help. Our entire Christmas Eve offering is gifted to Starfish Kenya.

Starfish Kenya is dedicated to making the words, "Jesus loves me, this I know," a reality in the lives of the most vulnerable children in Kenya. Everything we do flows from this mission statement. Our desire is to enable the children we support to experience God's love by meeting their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs.

In 2001, after being made aware of the urgent help needed for Kenyan children due to the AIDS crisis, Roy & Pam Newberry travelled to Kenya to see the situation firsthand. What they saw and experienced was life-changing. With hearts broken, they wondered what they could possibly do in the face of the staggering figure of over 2 million children orphaned by HIV/AIDS. It seemed so overwhelming, but the Starfish Story kept coming to mind. They concluded that if they only helped one child, it would matter to that child. From there, Starfish Kenya began. Supporting the first children personally, Roy and Pam came back to the U.S. and shared what they had seen and experienced. Family and friends from church wanted to help. More and more children were able to be cared for, expanding the number of children to over 600 thus far.

Since 2008 Gateway has set aside our Christmas Eve offering for Starfish Kenya. 
